Course curriculum

  1. 2
  2. 3
    • Let's have a look at the time you tracked.

  3. 4
    • Life Themes, Goals, & Tasks

    • Between Sections: Let's Get Busy Thinking & Writing!

  4. 5
    • Prelude to Your Self-Evaluation

    • Deadlines: Identifying, Planning, & Scheduling

    • Self-Evaluation: Time to Get Real!

  5. 6
    • Achieving Through Prioritization!

    • Between Sections: Let's Prioritize!

  6. 7
    • Keeping a Schedule!

    • Between Sections: A method that works for you!

  7. 8
    • What is Self-Care to you?

    • Self-Care!

    • Between Sections: My Self-Care

  8. 9
    • Constant Re-evaluation!